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The American Bar Association imposes a duty of confidentiality regarding all information obtained by the attorney during the attorney’s representation of the client. This is codified in ABA Rule 1.6. The duty of confidentiality remains even after the attorney-client relationship  has ended.

The attorney-client relationship is considered sacred. An attorney may not reveal information obtained during the representation without the client’s informed consent. The duty of confidentiality is the backbone of the attorney-client relationship. It is the foundation upon which trust between the attorney and client is borne.

The duty of confidentiality further requires that a lawyer act competently to safeguard information obtained from the client during the course of the representation. This includes preventing unauthorized access by third parties and inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure by the lawyer or other persons involved in the client’s representation. This extends to other persons who may be under the lawyer’s supervision.

Amazon Suspension Lawyer is bound by the duty of confidentiality and other rules of ethics that govern the practice of law. Amazon Suspension Lawyer will never reveal any information provided by a client during the course of our representation. Amazon Suspension Lawyer guarantees full and complete confidentiality.