Amazon Related Account Suspension

When it comes to managing an Amazon seller account, ensuring your account’s health is crucial to maintaining a thriving business. However, many sellers may not be aware of the risks associated with operating multiple selling accounts. Amazon maintains strict policies on operating multiple seller accounts, and a single misstep could lead to a suspended account […]

Amazon Wholesale: Risks, Benefits, and More!

Amazon Wholesale has become a popular business model for many sellers looking to tap into Amazon’s vast marketplace. Wholesale selling gives sellers the opportunity to access and sell established brands while reaping the benefits of wholesale discounts – thereby maximizing profit margins. It’s no wonder that Amazon Wholesale is attracting a lot of attention. However, […]

Amazon Plan of Action (POA)

An Amazon Plan of Action (POA) is a detailed appeal that Amazon sellers submit to Amazon Seller Performance in response to account suspensions, ASIN suppressions, or other policy violations. The purpose of a POA is to address and rectify the issues that caused the suspension, thereby demonstrating a seller’s commitment to adhering to Amazon’s policies. […]

How To Close Amazon Seller Account: A Guide

  Closing your Amazon seller account is a significant step whether you’re transitioning to another e-commerce platform, restructuring or selling your business, or simply stepping back from selling. Understanding how to correctly close your Amazon seller account ensures a smooth and hassle-free process. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the account closure process […]

How to Report a Seller On Amazon

Maintaining the integrity of the Amazon platform is essential for Amazon shoppers and sellers. Reporting an Amazon seller who violates policies helps ensure a safe and trustworthy marketplace. Whether you are a customer, a brand owner, or another seller, understanding how to effectively report abuse is crucial. Reasons to Report a Seller on Amazon There […]

Unsuitable Inventory Investigations Policy

Managing an Amazon Seller Account requires adherence to various policies. One of Amazon’s newest and most critical policies is the Unsuitable Inventory Investigations Policy. This policy is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the marketplace and ensuring customer satisfaction. Understanding the Unsuitable Inventory Investigations Policy  sellers avoid account deactivation, destruction of inventory and helps sellers […]

Tortious Interference With A Contract With Amazon

Rise in False Counterfeit Complaints on Amazon How Intentional Interference Applies To False Counterfeit Complaints. We have noticed a tremendous increase in false counterfeit complaints in the past six months. We have represented numerous sellers who have been accused of selling counterfeit products when the products they were selling were completely genuine. The vast majority […]

Importance Of Document Retention

We have seen a tremendous influx in counterfeit and inauthentic item complaints over the past few months. One way to defeat these types of complaints is to provide documentation which shows where you source your product. Unfortunately, many sellers do a poor job of maintaining invoices or bills of lading. Poor document retention makes it […]

Common Misconceptions Associated With Amazon IP Infringement

We have received a lot of inquiries from sellers regarding Amazon’s policies and the type of conduct that constitutes IP infringement. There are a lot of misconceptions about what Amazon considers prohibited conduct. One of the most common complaints accuses sellers of being “unauthorized re-sellers.” Unauthorized Re-Sellers The vast majority of Amazon sellers acquire and […]

Benefits Of Liability Insurance

Most sellers are unaware that Amazon requires third party sellers to carry and/or provide proof of liability insurance. While Amazon has not generally enforced this requirement, a recent string of intellectual property lawsuits may cause Amazon to start enforcing this requirement. As a seller, you can be liable if somebody gets hurt using your product, […]