Suspended Amazon Accounts Reinstated – Our First Plan Of Action

Amazon Suspension Lawyer was recently retained by several sellers who were suspended for ASIN violations and intellectual property complaints. The sellers tried to reinstate their accounts on their own with no luck. Although Amazon is usually aware of violations before they suspend your account, admittingĀ  to any wrongdoing with Amazon is a bad idea – […]

The Material Difference Exception To The First Sale Doctrine

The First Sale Doctrine protects Amazon sellers who simply resell products they purchase from manufacturers or Copyright/Trademark owners. Sellers who make small modifications to products may not be protected by the First Sale Doctrine because the modification can cause “consumer confusion.” Even a small modification can trigger the Material Difference exception. The term “Material Difference” […]

How The First Sale Doctrine Protects Amazon Sellers

Understanding the First Sale Doctrine in Trademark Law The First Sale Doctrine authorizes a seller to re-sell genuine and unmodified products which have been placed into the stream of commerce by the trademark owner. Application of the First Sale Doctrine for Amazon Sellers Most Amazon sellers resell products from other brands which they legitimately purchased […]

Amazon Withdrawing From Domestic China Market

Amazon recently announced that it is withdrawing from the domestic China market after 15 years. Amazon has faced stiff competition from companies like Alibaba, and recent newcomer, Pinduoduo. This announcement has complicated matters for Chinese sellers who sell domestically in China and overseas to US customers. Our Chinese client base has increased since Amazon’s […]

Amazon Seller Support Experiencing Long Delays

Many of our clients have reported delays in communicating with Amazon Seller Support. These delays are causing sellers to experience longer than usual down times. Prolonged down times are extremely disruptive to sellers’ businesses. Most sellers try to resolve account suspensions on their own without knowing or understanding Amazon’s unique policies and procedures. Sellers should […]

Amazon Arbitrary Suspensions Are Ruining Businesses

This is a classic example of how Amazon’s arbitrary suspensions are completely crippling sellers’ businesses. Amazon provides many people with an opportunity to become entrepreneurs. In this particular case, a seller who was recently laid off decided to open her business, which was making between $1,500 to $2,000 per month, half of which she was […]

Vague Inauthentic Item Complaints Are Crippling Sellers

Prime Day is a great opportunity for sellers to maximize their sales because of increased customer demand. Unfortunately, inauthentic item complaints can completely shut down a seller’s entire operation, preventing them from reaping the benefits of a tremendous selling opportunity. In this case, Cheapskates, a small family owned business, experienced account suspension from a handful […]